Monday, October 25, 2010

He Doesn't Look 66

It is Michael's birthday.  Well it was yesterday.  If you don't know, the birthday boy is on the right.  Four of our favorite people joined us to celebrate
True friends they are.  Each of them have taught Michael and I to be better people

Happy Birthday Michael, until next year


Rachelle said...

A high honor to enjoy a birthday dinner with you. You and Michael have taught us much as well, about many things. Happy birthday, Michael. And, no... you don't look or act 66. Then again, 66 is pretty darn young. :o) Either way, you're cute. Thanks for inviting us!

Michael said...

Couldn't help but notice that sign on the table of the last photo that said "half off". That's about the way it is with this crowd, they're all about "half-off".

Basque-Land said...

A very sweet blog and nice to have the warmth of friends to share it with.