If you look for it-- you can see signs of Spring
The willow and the red twig dogwood shrub deep in color
Winter Bittersweet
Willow branches turning the bright yellow/gold that spring brings
A LOT of geese and swans on the river. It is all so wonderful
Caught the Mink-- on the ice-- on the branch-- in the river
At first I couldn't figure out if this was a Mink or Otter. Decided it was a Mink.
I know this now for today I saw an Otter on the river and it is much longer, bigger. The otter was eating on something and an eagle flew over and tried snatching the food, the otter was to quick
I know this now for today I saw an Otter on the river and it is much longer, bigger. The otter was eating on something and an eagle flew over and tried snatching the food, the otter was to quick
The river was beautiful.
Golden Eye is back
Gotcha. My first chipmunk this season. In my garage eating up the sunflower seed on the garage floor. Also saw one in the woods on the trail.
The Trumpeter Swan is amazing and big!
Blue Heron is back
The Dark Eyed Junco. I was very excited to see it
The Snow Bug
I was super excited to see the Red Bellied Woodpecker
pussy willows budding
THe squirrel and the deer eating sun flower seed that I put out for the chickadees and nuthatches
My new favorite thing to take a picture of. They are so beautiful
So go outside and look around. Don't let this snow fool you. There are signs of spring everywhere. A fb friend saw robins today. THis is so exciting!!
THe squirrel and the deer eating sun flower seed that I put out for the chickadees and nuthatches
My new favorite thing to take a picture of. They are so beautiful
So go outside and look around. Don't let this snow fool you. There are signs of spring everywhere. A fb friend saw robins today. THis is so exciting!!
What a positive and upbeat look at this stormy day and very late Spring. You've picked up my spirits a bit. Sure would like to know what those big white beautiful birds are though. That little deer looks just like Bambi. No signs of Thumper?
This is JUST what I needed during our blizzard tonight. Your photos are amazing, what a treat! I am hopeful that spring really is on the way. Phew.
Thanks so muchl, and what a photographer you are Barb. All good. No, terrific!! Marilyn
I miss your blog! Keep it coming! I felt sorry for the Robin so sacrificed half a cup of blueberries to the feeder. She was delighted!
thanks...at least the blue heron has gotten as far as bemidji. had one junco here for a week and i think it must flown south again! lovely photos, barb!
b harrington
Nice photos Barbara. All of those critters must know something that I don't, because I see no signs of Spring in St. Cloud. John Meuers
Great Blog and photos as usual!
Beautiful as always. Makes me feel better about the weather. Lorraine
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